Chinhoyi Project (Stock Pellet)
Plant Overview
Chinhoyi University Stockfeed Project Launch
Plant Overview
Verify Engineering VE Energy Projects Manager, Eng. A. Kapenzi leading the Plant tour with His Excellence President E.D Mnangagwa & Professor A. Murwira in Chinhoyi.

VE Projects undertook the Installation, Commissioning, and formulated operations maintenance manuals. The plant is owned by the Chinhoyi University of Technology and is situated in Chinhoyi. The stock feed plant performs 5 activities on the production line: milling, mixing, pelletizing at 1bar 118⁰C Steam, cooling, and Automatic bagging. The plant produces pellets in different sizes 4mm, 6mm, 8mm & 12 mm. 

VE Launches Acetylene Plant 27/07/22
Acetylene Gas Plant
VE Oxygen & Nitrogen Plant Overview
Acetylene Filling Station
The President reads the plaque he had unveiled during the commissioning of the acetylene gas plant on Wednesday.

VERIFY Engineering’s drive towards becoming the market leader in the production and distribution of medical and industrial gases took another quantum leap following the launch of an acetylene gas plant at its Feruka, Mutare premises by President Mnangagwa on Wednesday.